Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.



Save the Amazon – Stop Fascism rally

Moms Demand Action Volunteers in NYC rally for passage of Federal Background Checks and Federal Red Flag Bills

Close the camps silent protest in the plaza outside the Staten Island Ferry Terminal

Rally to demand the inclusion of climate change issues on the next Democratic Presidential Debate

Mass Protest March And Rally In Harlem To Declare To All Officials: Enough Is Enough!

Candlelight Vigil For Victims of Brownsville, Dayton, El Paso, and Gilroy Mass Shootings

Activists staged a protest at Trump Tower in support of the four congresswomen attacked on Trump’s recent racially inflammatory tweets

Say No to ICE/Amazon/Whole Foods Playdate Protest

Activist Ravi Ragbir won his First Amendment case but ICE still wants him to Check-In

New Yorkers shut down rush hour traffic, advocating for immigrants’ rights and denouncing Trump’s racist policies

Justice for Sandra Bland and all Black Women

Lights for Liberty, an International Solidarity Action to End Human Detention Camps

Close the Camps! Rise and Resist Distributes Free Soap Bars and “No Kids In Cages” Stickers at Penn Station

#CloseTheCamps National Day of Action at Congressman Gregory Meeks’ Rockaway district offices

Hundreds Protest the Deaths of Immigrants and Refugees in ICE/CBP Detention at the Third annual World Refugee Day Rally and March in NYC

Impeach Trump Event in New York City on National Day of Action to Defend Democracy

On Trump’s Birthday, Activists to Protest His Administration’s Cruel and Inhumane Immigration Policies

Hundreds crossed the Brooklyn Bridge on a Solidarity Walk With Gun Violence Survivors


© 2025 Erik McGregor Photography

Theme by Anders Norén