New York, NY – Members of the activist group Rise And Resist gathered on July 3, 2019 outside Penn Station in New York to offer free bars of soap with a label “No Kids In Cages” to the crowds of commuters

Rise and Resist will be out on July 3rd reminding commuters that as they escape the city for the holiday weekend, children are being held in prisons without the basic necessities for hygiene and comfort.

Take a stand this July 4th. We need to decide who we are as a country!

Right now in the United States of America:
- Refugees from violence and poverty are being held in prison camps.
- Children are being separated from their parents, held in detention instead of being reunited with family members.
- Children are forced to sleep on concrete floors in freezing cold cells without blankets, soap or toothbrushes.
- People are being denied medical care and are dying in detention.

If you believe in basic human dignity for all, and this is not who you want us to be as Americans, please take action.

Call your representatives and demand that they support The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act (H.R.2415, S.1243) and the Families, Not Facilities Act of 2019 (H.R.2217, 5.388)

Donate to organizations providing legal and humanitarian aid to immigrants like RAICES wvwv.raicestexas.org

Turn out on the streets to demonstrate your outrage. Join Rise and Resist

© Erik McGregor – erikrivas@hotmail.com – 917-225-8963