Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.



New Yorkers shut down rush hour traffic, advocating for immigrants’ rights and denouncing Trump’s racist policies

Lights for Liberty, an International Solidarity Action to End Human Detention Camps

Close the Camps! Rise and Resist Distributes Free Soap Bars and “No Kids In Cages” Stickers at Penn Station

#CloseTheCamps National Day of Action at Congressman Gregory Meeks’ Rockaway district offices

Hundreds Protest the Deaths of Immigrants and Refugees in ICE/CBP Detention at the Third annual World Refugee Day Rally and March in NYC

On Trump’s Birthday, Activists to Protest His Administration’s Cruel and Inhumane Immigration Policies

Seeking Asylum Is Not A Crime – Rise and Resist silent protest at Brooklyn Borough Hall

Statue Of Liberty climber, Patricia Okoumou ordered to appear in federal court

“Trump Is The Emergency – Immigrants Are Not The Enemy” Rise and Resist silent protest at The Oculus

Hundreds of Activists Gathered In Union Square to Denounce Trump’s Fake National Emergency Declaration to Build Border Wall

New York Activists Denounced Trump’s “Fake News” Declaration of National Emergency to Build Border Wall

Singing Telegram Action at Chase Bank to shame CEO Jamie Dimon for funding private prisons and fossil fuels


Rise And Resist Silent Protest: Seeking Asylum Is Not A Crime

Whitney Museum: No Safe Space for Profiteers of State Violence

Immigrant rights activists and interfaith clergy hold peaceful #BreakDownWalls prayer circle and direct action


© 2025 Erik McGregor Photography

Theme by Anders Norén