Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Chase Bank Put Climate and People Before Profits

New York, NY – As part of Earth Week, Rise and Resist climate activists held a peaceful protest on April 19, 2022 at JPMorgan Chase headquarters world headquarters in Manhattan to protest CEO Jamie Dimon’s warmongering – “Marshall Plan” – which will aggressively increment fossil fuel production, and boost Chase profits, increasing carbon emissions worldwide and needlessly delaying the development of renewables.

JPMorgan Chase, world’s largest funder of climate-destroying fossil fuels earned a record $48.3 billion last year, but they want more.

At a time when we must urgently shift to renewable energy, Chase is using the tragic invasion of Ukraine to instead increase fossil fuel production, and their profit.

The long-term harm of this plan far outweighs their short-term bottom line. Chase CEO Jamie Dimon must drop his cynical fossil fuel “Marshall Plan” and instead call for using the Defense Production Act for a speedy and massive shift to renewable energy.

Chase Bank Put Climate and People Before Profits

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963


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