Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.



On Last Day of New York State Legislative Session, Climate Action Council Member, Climate Justice Leaders, and Advocates Celebrated Climate Wins, Rallied Against National Grid

Chase Bank’s Investor Day Met With Protest by Climate Activists

Anti-fracking infrastructure organizations shut down the Public Service Commission meeting for approving Con Edison’s ‘Climate Disaster’ rate hike

New Yorkers and Elected Officials called on the Public Service Commission to reject Con Ed’s rate hike saying it fails the climate test

Bushwick residents say NO to the North Brooklyn Fracked Gas Pipeline

Activists stormed JPMorgan Chase headquarters lobby to denounce their funding of the climate crisis

New Yorkers denounce Con Ed’s Rate Case Proposal will mean higher bills and higher emissions

#ClimateStrikeUtilities banner drop at ConEdison Headquarters in Manhattan

New Yorkers and Elected Officials Focus on Corporate Utilities During Climate Strike Week Outside National Grid Brooklyn Headquarters

Climate Activists Stage “Slippery Bankers” Theatrical Disruption at JPMorgan Chase Headquarters During Global Climate Week of Action

New Yorkers Rally outside Senator Todd Kaminsky’s Rockville Centre Office to stop the Williams fracked gas pipeline

New Yorkers Rally outside Governor Cuomo’s NYC office to stop the Williams fracked gas pipeline


Arrests made as Climate Activists protest Chase Bank funding of fossil fuels, after dramatic rush-hour demonstration blocks traffic at new Chase HQ in Manhattan

Grassroots Coalition, Protests National Grid and Calls on Governor Cuomo to Stop Pipelines

The showdown between Trump & Williams vs New Yorkers goes down right outside Governor Cuomo’s Manhattan office

Promise To Protect: National Training Tour NYC


© 2025 Erik McGregor Photography

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