June 15, 2023
On Last Day of New York State Legislative Session, Climate Action Council Member, Climate Justice Leaders, and Advocates Celebrated Climate Wins, Rallied Against National Grid
December 10, 2020
Brownsville Residents Halt National Grid’s North Brooklyn Fracked Gas Pipeline Construction As It Continues Despite Massive Community Opposition
June 13, 2020
Activists In Bushwick Gathered For The First No North Brooklyn Pipeline Rally Since The COVID-19 Pandemic
June 6, 2020
Bike Ride Against the North Brooklyn Pipeline
May 20, 2020
North Brooklyn Community Calls National Grid’s Decision to Restart Construction of Controversial Fracked Gas Pipeline “Reckless” During Pandemic and Demand Immediate Halt of Construction
February 29, 2020
XR NYC Rally to Stop the North Brooklyn Fracked Gas Pipeline
February 28, 2020
February 15, 2020
North Brooklyn community members rally against National Grid fracked gas pipeline and expansion of Greenpoint LNG facility, shutting down construction for the day
February 11, 2020
Community Board 1 unanimously Opposes National Grid’s North Brooklyn “MRI” Gas Expansion Project
February 5, 2020
No North Brooklyn Pipeline: Greenpoint/Williamsburg Info Session
January 16, 2020
Anti-fracking infrastructure organizations shut down the Public Service Commission meeting for approving Con Edison’s ‘Climate Disaster’ rate hike
January 14, 2020
North Brooklyn Community calls on National Grid to immediately halt construction of controversial fracked gas pipeline through Bushwick, Williamsburg and Greenpoint
December 12, 2019
New Yorkers and Elected Officials called on the Public Service Commission to reject Con Ed’s rate hike saying it fails the climate test
November 25, 2019
Bushwick residents say NO to the North Brooklyn Fracked Gas Pipeline
November 19, 2019
New Yorkers denounce Con Ed’s Rate Case Proposal will mean higher bills and higher emissions
November 16, 2019
New Yorkers dramatically shut down massive Cricket Valley fracked gas power plant citing the plant’s large contribution to climate change and local air pollution
August 14, 2019
New Yorkers Rally outside Senator Todd Kaminsky’s Rockville Centre Office to stop the Williams fracked gas pipeline
August 7, 2019