Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Caravan protest to save lives, save jobs and save CUNY in Brooklyn

Brooklyn, NY – PSC-CUNY members, faculty, staff and students gathered outside Brooklyn College on July 18, 2020 to hold the “Caravan to save jobs and fund CUNY”, a loud motorized and bicycle protest through the streets of Brooklyn to protest against CUNY’s massive layoffs of contingent workers and to demand adequate funding for CUNY.

The physically distant but socially connected actions are to protest the University’s decision to layoff almost 2900 adjuncts and part-time staff, to oppose a rushed return to in-person work, and to mobilize community support for investment in CUNY.

Riding in cars decorated with signs and on well-spaced bicycles, the protestors will travel throughout communities where CUNY students and alumni live.

They will demand that the laid-off workers be reinstated, that health insurance for 422 members who will lose their coverage be maintained and that Albany lawmakers tax the rich rather than cut funding for CUNY.

CUNY faculty and staff planned simultaneous car/bike caravans in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

The caravans are to demand that the laid-off workers be reinstated, that health insurance for 422 members who will lose their coverage be maintained and that Albany lawmakers tax the rich rather than cut funding for CUNY.

Since the University currently lacks the public funding and infrastructure to adequately ensure social distance and safe working and learning conditions, the caravans will also carry the message of “No return without a safe return.”

Caravan protest to save lives, save jobs and save CUNY in Brooklyn

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963


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