Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.



The showdown between Trump & Williams vs New Yorkers goes down right outside Governor Cuomo’s Manhattan office

Hundreds students took part in the School Strike for Climate in NYC, joining over 500 events worlwide

Extinction Rebellion New York City (XR-NYC) confronted City Hall to demand truth, not a seawall for Wall Street

At the Koch Plaza outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, Activists call for a massive global response to the climate emergency and to end climate denial

Thousands of students walked out of school on a Youth Climate School Strike

DEC Public Hearing on the Williams NESE Pipeline

Stop Williams Pipeline Coalition urge Rockaway officials to oppose Williams NESE fracked gas pipeline

On Valentine’s Day, the fight to stop the Williams pipeline hits the heart of NYC

Members of the Stop the Williams Pipeline NY Coalition delivered 14,400+ petition signatures in Albany calling on Cuomo to stop the Williams fracked gas pipeline

New York Energy Wars: Con Ed Plans Westchester Death Star, with Resistance from Princess Soleia and Renewable Rebel Alliance

Extinction Rebellion Day One – #ClimateShutdown to Shake New York

Climate Movement rallies outside Cuomo’s State of the State to demand 100% renewables by 2030, ban on new fossil fuel projects

Three New York farmers and an educator arrested for tractor blockade to halt construction of massive fracked gas power plant in Dutchess County

Activists Who Crawled Into Fracked Gas Pipeline Found Guilty In Narrow Ruling, Granted Unconditional Release

10 climate activists arrested at Governor Cuomo’s Office for calling attention to failures of the administration’s response to the climate crisis faced a judge in court


© 2024 Erik McGregor Photography

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