Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.



Up2Us2023: A Better World is Possible

Up2Us2022: Strategies and Solutions to Save the Coolest Planet in the Universe

Fox Lies About Climate Change And So Does The Wall Street Journal

Fridays for Future NYC Youth Global Climate Strike

Truth Tuesdays Protest At Fox News Demands An End To Network’s Climate Lies

New York City Youth Global Climate Strike

Together We Rise: The Power of Female Leadership to Help Solve the Climate Crisis


Extinction Rebellion’s Red Rebel Brigade disrupts the New York City Ballet Fall Gala

30 Activists Arrested at Climate Emergency Protest Demanding No More Business As Usual

#ClimateStrikeUtilities banner drop at ConEdison Headquarters in Manhattan

New Yorkers and Elected Officials Focus on Corporate Utilities During Climate Strike Week Outside National Grid Brooklyn Headquarters

Choose Us: Youth Climate Strike Demands Solutions And Action

250,000 joined the Global Climate Strike in New York City

Hundreds gathered at Columbus Circle for the second Global Climate Strike during Fridays for Future NYC

Hundreds students took part in the School Strike for Climate in NYC, joining over 500 events worlwide

At the Koch Plaza outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, Activists call for a massive global response to the climate emergency and to end climate denial

Thousands of students walked out of school on a Youth Climate School Strike

© 2024 Erik McGregor Photography

Theme by Anders Norén