Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist. engaged in 100 Hours Of NO! at FOX Fascist News Network headquarters in New York City


New York, NY – On July 11, 2017; outside Fox News Network headquarters in New York City, engaged in 100 continuous hours of protesting, calling on people to come testify and protest against the Trump-Pence Regime and the hate-filled narrative from their mouthpiece FOX News.

FOX is the Fascist News Network, the Goebbels of the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime. This is not hyperbole. This statement is based on actual facts, unlike the steady stream of lies and threats spewed from the regime’s mouthpieces at FOX. says that this must be stopped and can only be stopped by the mass action of the people.

For 100 hours beginning at high noon on July 11, 2017; building towards and culminating in nation-wide protests on Saturday July 15 to demand, “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”


Sunsara Taylor,, and many others will deliver a living indictment of the Fox Fascist News Network and the Trump/Pence Regime. For 100 Hours, day and night, they will call on people to come testify and protest against the Trump/Pence Regime and the hate-filled bullshit from the mouthpiece of FOX.

Mexicans are “rapists.” Punch protesters “in the face.” Grab women by their genitals. This is Trump. This is what FOX promotes. The Trump/Pence Regime is using the full force of the state to terrorize and tear apart immigrant families; to ban Muslims; to pour gasoline on the flames of a climate in crisis; to deprive women, LGBTQ people, disabled people, and Black, Latino, Native American people of basic rights; to menace the world with nuclear weapons; and to fire, bludgeon, threaten, and unleash violence against all opposition. The Trump/Pence Regime is a fascist regime. Fox is their biggest bullhorn. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

In the name of humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

It starts on Tuesday July 11. The truth about this regime will be spoken. The lies of Trump/Pence/FOX refuted. We are calling on people to come down and testify. 100 hours of getting ready for July 15 Nationwide Protests to Demand: The Trump-Pence regime must GO!


#100HoursOfNo #Activism #DefendDemocracy #DumpTrump #FakePrez #FoxNews #FoxNewsLies #humanrights #impeach #J15TrumpPenceMustGo #LoveTrumpsHate #MangoMussolini #manhattan #MikePence #NewsCorporation #NewYork #NotMyPresident #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #Pence #rally #refusefascism #RejectPresidentElect #ResistTrump #revolution #‎Solidarity #StopTheHate #TrumpCabinet #TrumpCare #trumpvsallofus

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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