Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Silent procession in solidarity with Puerto Rico


New York, NY – Hundreds of New Yorkers dressed in white participated on a silent procession through the streets of New York on September 23, 2018 to focus the nation’s attention on this callous and craven neglect of U.S. Citizens in Puerto Rico still struggling for survival in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. 
Close to one year after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the Island remains in crisis owing to the lack of resources and empathy from its U.S. colonizer. It took more than six months for the death count to come even close to reality. Schools have closed. More than 100,000 left the Island. Many areas remain in the dark without electricity. Disease is climbing and the Island’s debt continues in debate.
This year’s event falls on the anniversary of one of the island’s largest insurrections, “El Grito de Lares” uprising. Organizers, youth, seniors, clergy, and participants will dress in white as a symbol of hope bearing banners blasting “Memoriam for Lives Lost, USA Citizens, Surviving Trauma and Rebuilding Puerto Rico” and “Exempt P.R. from the Jones Act”.
Participants walked 2.5 miles in unity, as one, in silence; from East Harlem to Trump Tower on 57th Street and Fifth Avenue remaining in peace for approximately 15 minutes before dispersing. 
Puerto Rico and California joined in solidarity with a Silent Procession on the same day at the same time in the town of Mayagüez, on the Island of Vieques and in the City of Los Angeles. 

Silent procession in solidarity with Puerto Rico

#AbolishJonesAct #AbolishTheDebt #austerity #Colonialism #CorporateGreed #cutbacks #DebtCrisis #DirectAction #EconomicInequality #HurricaneMaria #HurricaneRelief #JonesAct #JuntaFiscal ‪#‎JustRecovery‬ #JustRecoveryJustTransition #LaGenteAntesQueLaDeuda #NewYork #NoALaJunta #NYC #NYC4PR ‪#‎OurPowerPRnyc‬ #PROMESA #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNoSeVende #ResistTrump #SeAcabaronLasPromesas #SilentProcession #UnitedAgainstPromesa

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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