Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Puerto Ricans are still struggling for survival one year after Hurricane Maria


New York, NY – On the one year anniversary of Hurricane Maria, hundreds gathered in Union Square on September 20, 2018, demanding justice for Puerto Rico. Many Puerto Ricans are still struggling for survival and fighting to remain, reclaim, and rebuild.
The crisis unfolding in Puerto Rico continues to magnify as the United States government interferes within emergency aid and threatens to bury Puerto Rico in more debt.  
What is happening in Puerto Rico is a climate crisis fueled by a long legacy of colonization and extraction.
One year anniversary of Hurricane Maria

#austerity #Colonialism #CorporateGreed #cutbacks #DebtCrisis #EconomicInequality #HurricaneMaria #JuntaFiscal ‪#‎JustRecovery‬ #JustRecoveryJustTransition #LaGenteAntesQueLaDeuda #NewYork #NoALaJunta #NotoDisasterCapitalism #NYC ‪#‎OurPowerPRnyc‬ #PROMESA #Protest #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNoSeVende #ResistTrump #SeAcabaronLasPromesas #September20 #UnionSquare #UnitedAgainstPromesa

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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