Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

On International Women’s Day, thousands of women and allies took the streets in New York to join the International Women’s Strike 

NEW YORK CITY – To celebrate International Women’s Day, on March 8th​, 2017; women and allies in New York join the International Women’s Strike, with rallies and marches organized by diverse groups who represent feminism for the 99%. Across the country, over fifty strike events are taking place in different cities​ alongside International Women’s Day events in over thirty countries​.

The morning rally was held in Fifth Avenue, Midtown Manhattan outside Trump Tower followed by a march to Trump International hotel and Tower by Columbus Circle where Women’s March organizers as Linda Sarsour and Carmen Perez among others got arrested in an act of Civil Disobedience. 
The afternoon rally began at Washington Square Park (WSP) in Manhattan, ​featuring speakers from diverse groups who represent feminism for the 99%​. Speakers include: Jamara Mychelle Wakefield of the Movement for Black Lives, Betty Lyons of the American Indian Law Alliance and an activist for Standing Rock, a speaker from the Red Umbrella Project for sex worker advocacy, Nour Obeidallah of Sanctuary Campus Campaign, and more.

At 5:30, a march go through Manhattan from WSP to Zuccotti Park,​ stopping at symbolic sites including the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory (now 23-29 Washington Place), Stonewall, the Varick Street Immigration Court, and the African Burial Ground National Monument on Duane Street.
Across the country, over fifty strike events are taking place in different cities​. The day of action, abbreviated internationally as “8M,” will occur alongside International Women’s Day events in over thirty countries​. Our strike draws inspiration from the massive strikes this fall in Argentina against femicide and in Poland against a total abortion ban.

Among the dozens of endorsers of the the event are the January 21st Women’s March committee who have called for “A Day Without A Woman” and the organizers of the February 2 bodega strike.​ The Socialist Party of New York City, a local of the Socialist Party, USA, is also organizing a rally in conjunction with the International Women’s Strike at Washington Square Arch.

Women who can not take the day off work will be wearing red to demonstrate their solidarity with the women’s strike. Because women’s work occurs at work and at home, we have suggested a variety of ways in which to strike, including striking from housework.​

As a Feminist movement for 99%, the groups unconditionally condemn both this second Muslim ban and the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear this major transgender rights case. The Feminist movement for 99% will mobilize in solidarity with all those who will suffer from hate crimes when join in solidarity in over 50 countries around the world on March 8th to strike. The Feminist movement for 99% say No Ban, No Wall! No discrimination against transgender people!

This March 8th marks the 108th annual International Working Women’s Day. In 1909, the Socialist Party of America, started International Working Women’s Day in honor of the International Ladies Garment Worker’s Union strike. It has since become an internationally recognized holiday.

This is a rally to demand the right to healthcare, childcare, eldercare and housing as foundation stones in building a genuinely just and safe society for all. The Socialist Party believes these aims can only be achieved by political activity independent of the two capitalist parties.

The International Women’s Strike/US National Coordinating Group rejects the Trump administration’s racist attempts at yet another Muslim ban, as well as his call for a wall along the Mexico/US border. 

The group recognizes and offers solidarity to all people: Sudanese, Syrian, Iranian, Libyan, Somalian, and Yemeni, Muslims who live in the United States and in every country, refugees and we stand in solidarity with immigrants with or without from Central, Latin America and the Caribbean region. The group offers solidarity and calls on an end of discrimination against our our trans, cis, and gender-queer sisters and brothers. 

As with the Muslim ban’s false justification of protecting the country, so too the Supreme Court’s discriminatory decision perpetuates the violent and false narrative that denying trans people basic rights somehow protects cis people. The group rejects this attempt to divide us. All deserve the dignity, recognition, and respect repeatedly denied by a regime that preserves the rule of the 1% by dividing, silencing, ignoring, and scapegoating the already oppressed among us. 

#2017 #Activism #arrests #CivilDisobedience #DayWithoutAWoman #DefendDemocracy #demonstration #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump #FakePrez #humanrights #LoveTrumpsHate #MangoMussolini #march #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NotMyPresident #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #rally #refusefascism #RejectPresidentElect #resist #ResistTrump #revolution #RiseAndResist #‎Solidarity #trump #TrumpCabinet #trumpvsallofus #WomenRights #womenrisingup #WomensMarch #WomensMarchNYC #WomenStrike

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963



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