Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Resist Black Genocide – April 19th Day of Resistance 

* April 19th 2 years ago Freddie Gray murdered by Baltimore Police
* April 19th 1 year ago Akai Gurley’s murderer gets no jail time
* 1 month ago Timothy Caughman is killed by a white Supremacist 
* Right now, April 10-17th activists demand the release of Bresha Meadows

Two years ago on April 19th, 25-year old Baltimore man Freddie Gray was murdered by Baltimore Police after they brutally tackled him and threw him in the back of a police van for a “rough ride,” severing his spine. Freddie was unarmed and had committed no crime. 

Although hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Baltimore and around the world to demand justice, three officers involved were acquitted by a judge in non-jury trials which were under gag order, with no information being released to the public. The remaining killer cops had their charges dropped.

Last year on April 19th, NYPD Officer Peter Liang was actually convicted of murdering Akai Gurley but was given no jail time and instead received “community service.” Akai was a 28-year old man living with his partner and child in Brooklyn, New York when he was killed by police in his apartment building on November 20, 2014. Akai was unarmed and had committed no crime. 

The failure to actually sentence Liang to any jail time shows how fucked up our system is, that readily punishes black people while sending a message that the our murder through state actors is legitimate. 

About a month ago to this day, 66-year old New Yorker Timothy Caughman was murdered near Times Square by another white supremacist from Baltimore–reminding us how deep white supremacy runs through the core of this nation.

Bresha Meadows is 15 year old young woman imprisoned and awaiting trial for defending herself and her mother from her abusive father. Criminalization and murder of Black people continues to be sanctioned by our society and the state! As the prison-industrial complex response to Bresha Meadows reminds us, Black people are criminalized for living, for refusing to be assaulted and murdered, and for insisting that our lives matter, that Black Lives Matter. #FreeBresha!
Police murders have continued to rise in 2017. Trump’s law and order regime, encouragement of white supremacist groups, and agenda for national Stop and Frisk are all clear indicators that the state will not do anything to stem the summary execution of black people in the street. Of the over 200 people of color the NYPD has killed in the last 15 years, only 2 officers were convicted a crime. None has served any jail time.

In the case of Akai Gurley and Freddie Grey we see there is no justice, the police serve no jail time. The killer of Timothy Caughman is not even being charged for first degree murder despite his clearly stated intention of killing black people. Meanwhile Bresha Meadows is sitting in jail, without even being charged, for defending herself and her family. All of these examples show how dedicated this country is to black genocide.  

#ACAB #Activism #AkaiGurley #BlackLivesMatter #demonstration #EndBrokenWindows #‎EndPoliceBrutality‬ #EndPoliceTerror #FreddieGray #FreeBresha #FTP #JailKillerCops #NewYork #NYC #‎NYC‬ShutItDown #NYPD #PeacefulProtest #ProsecuteNYPD #racism #rally #SafetyBeyondPolicing #‎Solidarity #stillnojustice ‪#‎ThisStopsToday‬ #TimesSquare #TimothyCaughman

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963



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