New York City – At The March for Science in New York City, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Midtown Manhattan on April 22, 2017; carrying signs and banners and despite the rain, for a protest in the name of science. The March for Science, one of several hundred held around the world, planned as a response to Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts and political appointments.
Tha March for Science NYC started at Central Park West and West 62nd Street around 10:30 a.m. and proceeded south to Broadway via Columbus Circle, passing Trump International Hotel and Tower, ending at West 52nd Street and Broadway.
As the protesters passed Trump International Hotel and Tower, shouts of “Evil!” “Shame! Shame!” “Hey-hey, ho-ho, Donald Trump has got to go!” and “Impeach!” rent the air.
By noon, the march stretched north for at least a dozen blocks from Trump International Hotel and Tower near Columbus Circle.
As the massive crowd headed down Central Park West, chants of “Science makes America great” rippled down the street.
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Thousands of scientists and their allies were marching through Manhattan to protest President Donald Trump’s approach to science, including his job picks for top regulatory posts and proposed cuts to research funding.
The protest put scientists, who generally shy away from advocacy and whose work depends on objective experimentation, into a more public position.
The organizers acknowledged, however, there is still a steep hill to climb. Despite a show of force for other anti-Trump protests, such as the January women’s marches and last week’s Tax Day March, the administration continues to move forward with its plans.
Jill Dvornik, a senior stem-cell researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital and march co-organizer, said important initiatives are being threatened by federal budget cuts. Advances in everything from biomedical studies to technological devices could be affected.
Mutale Nkonde, co-director of the march and Black Girls Code volunteer, said she and the hundreds of supporting groups wanted New York’s march to be one of a kind. They treated the event like a parade, incorporating floats, banners, puppets and other artistic representations throughout the day.
“This taps into people’s psychological need for a good time and feeling safe in the city,” she said of the parade’s design.
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Organizers portrayed the march as political but not partisan, promoting the understanding of science as well as defending it from various attacks, including proposed U.S. government budget cuts.
#Activism #Art #DefendDemocracy #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump #ErikMcGregor #LoveTrumpsHate #MangoMussolini #manhattan #MarchForScienceNYC #NewYork #nolabcoatrequired #NotMyPresident #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #refusefascism #RejectPresidentElect #resist #ResistTrump #revolution #RiseAndResist #Science #Solidarity #trump #TrumpCabinet #trumpvsallofus
© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963