Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Hundreds took to the street opposing Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court


New York, NY – Hundreds of new Yorkers took to the streets on October 6, 2018 after the Senate voted on Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, to express rage and refusal to consent to the rule of the illegitimate and undemocratic appointment to the Supreme Court. 
On Saturday, after the Senate confirmed a lying rapist in the face of this opposition, citizens organized to oppose this rulings. This unjust process has exposed what an undemocratic sham our so-called democracy actually is. We are angry, but we won’t go back. We will never be silent again. With this vote, these senators have betrayed survivors of sexual assault, women, LGBTQ people, poor people, and people of color for an entire generation. There is now another biased judge and sexual predator on the Supreme Court–one that lies as easily as the president.
While the Democrats asked us to trust the FBI, women and oppressed people took the streets around the country. Here in New York City, we marched on Monday and we walked out and marched on Thursday. In Washington, DC, thousands of protesters took over the Senate building. Survivors traveled from as far as Alaska to tell their stories, and protesters occupied Senators’ offices.
In Mitch McConnell’s words, Republicans intend to “plow through.” They’re putting their relentless pursuit of a Supreme Court controlled radical right-wingers ahead of the brave women who’ve spoken out against Kavanaugh and the mountain of evidence that proves he’s unfit to serve on the highest court in the land.
Kavanaugh clearly lied under oath. His lack of judicial temperament and sharp partisanship show us he isn’t fit to serve on the Supreme Court. The sham FBI investigation that the public can’t view was rushed and left out witnesses that could have further corroborated allegations against him.
This action was organized by the ad-hoc coalition of groups that planned Monday’s “No Justice, No Seat” march to the Yale Club and Thursday’s walkouts and “Cancel Kavanaugh” protest at Trump Tower. Activists with: Democratic Socialists of America, International Socialist Organization, International Women’s Strike, Left Voice, Black Women’s Blueprint, National Women’s Liberation,Socialist Alternative NYC for Abortion Rights, Party for Socialism and Liberation, and Red Bloom.

March opposing Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court

#Activism #BelieveSurvivors #BlockKavanaugh #BrettKavanaugh #corruption #demonstration #DirectAction #GOP #KavaNope #MarchAgainstKavanaugh #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NYC #politics #Protest #rally #ReclaimSCOTUS #ResistTrump #SCOTUS #SCOTUSconfirmation #SCOTUSnominee #senate #SexualAbuse #SexualMisconduct #SexualViolence #StopKavanaugh #SupremeCourt #UnionSquare #USSenate

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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