Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

No Justice, No Seat: March against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation


New York, NY – Over a thousand New Yorkers joined members of DSA, ISO, IWS, Socialist Alternative, NYCFAR, NWL and Left Voice on a march organized on October 1, 2018 to voice their opposition to Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation. Participants gathered in Madison Square Park, marching to the Yale Club, and ending with a rally in Grand Central. 
Participants also marched in celebration of the international solidarity with survivors and all who stand for love and justice. We are resilient, we are unified, and we will not let this violence continue without a fight. 
Women: cis, trans, black, immigrant, workers, survivors of sexual violence, and allies across the country are furious at the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. We will not stand for the confirmation of a man who is guilty of sexual assault and whose judicial record makes clear he cares only about the rights of elite white men like himself and the corporate and carceral power they wield. 
Because of ongoing protests and the courage of survivors to speak out, Republicans were forced to delay a vote. This only happened because of organized protest and he will only be stopped if we keep organizing. Kavanaugh should have to answer for his crimes, not given a lifetime appointment where he will do on the bench what he has done in his personal life: attack women’s bodily autonomy.

March against Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation

#Activism #BelieveSurvivors #BlockKavanaugh #BrettKavanaugh #corruption #demonstration #DirectAction #GOP #KavaNope #MadisonSquare #MarchAgainstKavanaugh #NewYork #NYC #politics #Protest #rally #ReclaimSCOTUS #ResistTrump #SexualAbuse #SexualMisconduct #SexualViolence #SCOTUS #SCOTUSconfirmation #SCOTUSnominee #senate #StopKavanaugh #SupremeCourt #USSenate

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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