National Day of Action against Energy Transfer Partners
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New York, NY – On September 9, 2017 at Chase Bank in New York City, Sane Energy Project participated in a National Day of Action against Energy Transfer Partners – – to #StopETP and defend indigenous rights and our water, land, air, and climate. Sane Energy core member and documentary filmmaker, Lee Ziesche, spent time at Camp White Pine, and read aloud her recently published article about the encampment built to defend the home of the Gerhart family in Huntingdon, PA against Energy Transfer Partners.
Puppeteers illustrated the article with 8 foot tall trees and a zipline with a silhouette of Elise Gerhart, resident of Huntingdon, PA where Energy Transfer Partners, the same corporation responsible for the Dakota Access Pipeline – DAPL – cut down the Gerhart’s purposely conserved 100 year old forest holding up the steep hillside leading to their home and tributaries leading to the Susquehanna River using Eminent Domain for the Mariner East 2 pipeline. “A twin pipeline project, two 24 pipelines with a capacity of 700,000 barrels a day of natural gas liquids to sell to European petrochemical corporation INEOS for plastic manufacturing. “They are using eminent domain in multiple counties because people don’t want to agree to these easements. People understand this is not about the public good. It’s for a private corporation” stated Elise Gerhart.
After the presentation and reading, the group placed small trees inside Chase Bank with the story of Camp White Pine to inform customers and staff that Chase Bank is financially supporting the destruction by Energy Transfer Partners that harms our water, land, air and climate and abuses Indigenous nations and many other communities far and wide.
Sane Energy Project is a New York based organization fighting shale gas infrastructure and building a transition of justice to a renewable sustainable economy. They use art, puppetry and performance in the public square as a tactic to illustrate, magnify and explain complex narratives that are happening in the region and world. and to see the storymap of fracking resistance. Scroll to Chapter 3 to read more about the Gerhart’s story.
To read Lee Ziesche’s article and see a short film about Camp White Pine visit:
#Activism #CampWhitePine #ChaseBank #CorporateGreed #DefendTheSacred #demonstration #divest #EliseGerhardt #EnergyTransferPartners #FossilFree #KeepItIntheGround #NoPipelines #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #ProtectTheSacred #SaneEnergyProject #SaneSolutions #Solidarity #StopETP #StopMarinerEast2 #StopTheBlackSnake #StopThePipeline #StreetTheater #WaterIsLife #WaterProtectors #weareallconnected #YOUAREHERE
© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963