Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Street theater protest Attorney General Jeff Sessions draconian mandatory sentencing policy that will bring a new Jim Crow


New York –, a political activist group organized a powerful street theater piece on May 15, 2017 in Union Square, New York, to demonstrate the utter outrageousness of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the mandatory sentencing policy issued. Wearing orange jumpsuits to represent the lives that will be crushed by Sessions mandatory sentencing. The Washington Post called these mandatory sentence policies “cruel” and “ineffective.”

What is Jeff Sessions Mandatory Sentencing?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions just issued a sweeping policy of mandatory sentencing for all criminal offenses. This means that people will be charged with the most serious penalty for all offenses. For example: If someone is arrested with one joint, mandatory sentencing is 1 year in prison. This will potentially destroy the lives of millions of people, especially Black and Latino communities. 

This is considered by the group racist and it is fascist; a re-institution of a brutal new form of Jim Crow. Adding theat every outrage by this Trump regime must be met with greater and greater resistance, acting together to drive it out before its too late. 

Who is Jeff Sessions:

Jeff Sessions led the prosecution of three Black civil rights workers for attempting to register Black people to vote in areas of Alabama where virtually no Black people had been able to vote, near the infamous town of Selma. He also called a white civil right lawyer a “disgrace to his race” for litigating voting rights cases.

Under Sessions leadership, Alabama used the torturous practice of hitching posts. This is where prisoners, were shackled for as long as 7 hours in the broiling heat of Alabama’s summer to chest high horizontal bars. They were deprived of food, water and the toilet. This along with chain gangs ( men tied together in groups of 5 with 8 feet of chain between them) and involved hard labor breaking walks. These torturous practices disproportionately affected black people and were ruled un-constitutional.


#Activism #AttorneyGeneral #DefendDemocracy #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump #humanrights #JeffSessions #MandatorySentences #MassIncarceration #NewYork #NewYorkCity #NotMyPresident #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #refusefascism #RejectPresidentElect #resist #ResistTrump #revolution #RiseAndResist #‎Solidarity #StopMassIncarceration #StreetTheater #trump #TrumpCabinet #trumpvsallofus

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963

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