Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

Find Our Girls solidarity march to raise awareness for the 64,000 Black Missing Girls across America 

New York City – Black Lives Matter of Greater New York lead the Find Our Girls March on Sunday, April 9, 2017; calling all communities, faith based organizations, and activists across NYC and America to march with us in solidarity to raise awareness for the 64,000 missing Black women and girls. The march started at the “Fearless Girl” located at Morris Street and Broadway New York, NY 10006 (near the Bowling Green train station) heading uptown to conclude at Marcus Garvey Park at 18 Mt. Morris Park West New York, NY 10027.
Missing Black women and girls are significantly under-represented in mainstream media. Furthermore, Black women and girls represent a disproportionate percentage of the number of missing people. Black women and girls only represent 7% of Americans but represent over 35% of missing persons cases. The cases of our women and girls are typically classified as runaways – this is not always the truth. Black Lives Matter of Greater New York have reason to believe that human trafficking plays a significant role in the disappearance of our people. It is estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways are sex traffic victims. The blame cannot be placed on the victims. Law enforcement must be held accountable for every report made. The law enforcement and the judicial system have received a failing grade for the work done thus far in both finding our girls and eradicating this epidemic.
The recent response from law enforcement is a sentiment that there is no increase in the number of missing young black women and girls and the matter has simply garnered more social media attention than ever before. One missing child is one too many! In the third month of the year an alarming 501 cases of missing children has been reported in the nation’s capital with the majority of the missing being Black and Latino. BLMNY will no longer stand for this; OUR GIRLS MATTER! Black Lives Matter of Greater New York demand a thorough investigation of the reported cases and nothing less than what our counterparts receive.  
The Amber Alert system does not represent our 64,000 but Black Lives Matter of Greater New York will do so. The group seek to raise awareness about this issue, garner support of elected officials and, build allies to continue to organize efforts to put an end to this epidemic. Calling 64,000 to represent our 64,000 who are not home but, will not be forgotten. Black Lives Matter of Greater New York will be a voice for the voiceless; will march for the missing; will walk for the weary; will remain vigilant. 

#Activism ‪#‎BlackandBrownUnity‬ #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BLMGreaterNY #BLMNY #FindOurGirls #march #NewYork #‎NoJusticeNoPeace #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance ‎#PowerToThePeople #racism #rally #SafetyBeyondPolicing #‎Solidarity #stillnojustice #TakeBackOurCommunities ‪#‎ThisStopsToday

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963



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