Rally at Trump Tower for Puerto Rico
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New York, NY – Call to Action in Puerto Rico and Pro Libertad called for a picket/rally on October 3, 2017; in front of the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Hundreds took to the streets in solidarity with the groups in Puerto Rico mobilizing to protest Trump’s first visit after hurricane Mary.
“The economic crisis, the Fiscal Board, the Jones Law, PROMESA, the structural obstacles that prevent the response to natural disasters such as hurricanes and all other political and economic problems facing Puerto Rico today come from the fact that WE ARE A COLONY” said Frank Vergara.
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We also denounce the attacks of Donald Trump and the colonial government against the people they have risen to restore after the merciless impact of hurricane Mary. “The Puerto Rican people have had a US citizenship imposed since 1917 in order to send platoons of Puerto Ricans to the front line during World War II. The services offered by FEMA are not acts of charity, this has been paid with our money and the lives of hundreds of Puerto Ricans” expressed another Call to Action in Puerto Rico spokesperson.
We demand the cessation of the Jones Act that delays Puerto Ricans recovery because they can not have immediate international assistance.
We demand the immediate delivery of donations sent from the diaspora. To the colonial government and the military dictatorship that does not take advantage of the efforts of thousands of Puerto Ricans and communities in solidarity with the Island.
We demand that the Fiscal Control Board be eliminated. It is not the moment to think about payments to debts and much less to accept loans to “solve” momentarily the humanitarian crisis that exists in the Island.
#AbolishJonesAct #AbolishTheDebt #austerity #Boricua #Colonialism #CorporateGreed #cutbacks #DebtCrisis #DumpTrump #EconomicInequality #FeedThePoor #HurricaneIrma #HurricaneMaria #HurricaneRelief #JonesAct #LaGenteAntesQueLaDeuda #NewYork #NoALaJunta #NYC #PeacefulProtest #PROMESA #PRSeLevanta #PuertoRico #PuertoRicoNoSeVende #PuertoRicoSeLevanta #ReleaseTheRelief #TrumpTower #UnitedAgainstPromesa
© Erik McGregor – erikrivas@hotmail.com – 917-225-8963