Erik McGregor Photography

Erik McGregor is a New York City based artist, photographer and activist.

New Yorkers unite for a peaceful rally outside the Waldorf Astoria NYC to disrupt the Wells Fargo Pipeline Investors Symposium

In Solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, #NoDAPL allies unite for a peaceful rally outside the Waldorf Astoria NYC, at the 15th Annual Wells Fargo Pipeline Symposium, to hold Wells Fargo Accountable for funding DAPL and to raise awareness of pipelines being built in New York.

The day of action protesting the Wells Fargo Pipeline Symposium is part of a global month of mobilization by water protectors at Sacred Stone Camp that calls on all customers to divest from the banks funding DAPL in order to pressure them to cancel loans for the pipeline.
Despite the recent halt on Dakota Access Pipeline construction, on Tuesday, December 6th from 12 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., New Yorkers concerned about the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and its violations of the indigenous rights, treaty provisions, and environmental sovereignty of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will join together to reject the 15th Annual Wells Fargo Pipeline, MLP and Utility Symposium held at the Waldorf Astoria New York luxury hotel located in midtown Manhattan (301 Park Ave). New Yorkers will also be speaking to a broader message of defunding all extractive infrastructures, including projects that threaten their own communities. This includes Spectra Energy’s now third attempt to run a pipeline through the Hudson River this week and Pilgrim Pipeline Holdings’ projects, which also threatens to cross the Hudson.
Earth Guardians NY Regional Director and Clearwater Board Member Rachel Marco-Havens, who will be speaking at this rally, writes, “New York stands in solidarity, literally mirroring Standing Rock, as Spectra (soon to merge with DAPL stakeholder, Enbridge) makes its third attempt to go under the Hudson River. With Spectra already running through Ramapough Lunaape Nation land and the Pilgrim Pipeline seeking right of way, these investments hurt all of us. The return on industry investment in the massive buildout of fossil fuel infrastructure comes at the expense of the health and safety of millions of people in every stage of these projects. We must transition to renewable energy now.”
Leaders of 70+ oil companies will be attending the Wells Fargo’s symposium. This roster includes the Dallas-based company responsible for the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners, which is expected to be represented by its President/COO Matt Ramsey and Vice President Brent Ratliff. Through  peaceful action, activists will hold these individuals, and Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan, accountable for funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. Adam Elfers, an activist involved with organizing this rally and the co-founder of  Defund DAPL, urges that “Wells Fargo needs to follow its obligations to environmental  protection and indigenous rights under the Equator Principles by immediately withdrawing loans from the Dakota Access Pipeline.” As the Wells Fargo’s symposium is happening inside the Waldorf Astoria’s Grand Ballroom, New Yorkers outside will be making solidarity pledges to close their bank accounts with companies that support big oil.
#2016 #ClimateChange #climatejustice #CorporateGreed #DakotaAccess #DakotaAccessPipeline #DefendTheSacred #DefundDAPL #demonstration #divest #DivestDAPL #FossilFree #IndigenousRights #JoshFox #KeepItIntheGround #mniwiconi #NewYork #NoDAPL #NYC #NYC2StandingRock #PeacefulProtest #PeacefulResistance #ProtectTheSacred #Protest #‎Solidarity #StandingRock #StandWithStandingRock #StopTheBlackSnake #StopThePipeline #WaldorfAstoriaNYC #WaterDefenders #WaterIsLife #WaterProtectors ‪#‎weareallconnected‬ #WellsFargo

© Erik McGregor – – 917-225-8963



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